This is my new illustration of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as Doctor Who and Amy Pond.
I'm a big fan of Who in general but have to say the first episode of the 11th Doctor's first series, The Eleventh Hour, was an absolute corker. Actually I thought it was the best episode of the new series I'd seen since Blink. The second episode, The Beast Below, was equally good and was really great at showcasing the strength of the Amy Pond character. I have a sneaky feeling that Matt Smith and Karen Gillan will turn out to be one of the shows strongest pairings. The episode had some nice touches as well including quite strong references to both Star Wars and Terry Pratchett. Dr Who has always been good at pilaging outside influences as part of their stories even old school Who. Only two episodes in and it feels to me like Matt Smith has been Doctor who forever. A big thumbs up to all concerned from this old school Who fan. Roll on the next episode, The Victory of the Daleks, I can't wait.
Anyway being that the new series has blown me away in such great style how could I not depict the two main characters welchtoons style. I hope you like it. As ever if anyone wants to check out the rest of my art please feel free to check out my website.