Ok...so...no one really reads my blog, do they?
Ok I have one comment from Mr Petch
and a number of page views but, to be honest,
I figure that's mostly just me and I'm mostly alone in
this part of cyberspace. No worries though as
I kinda like it like that weirdly. More space for
freedom of speech and all that. Anyways if you
have popped by to see me here you may have
noticed that this blog disappeared for a bit.
I'm not sure why.
Actually Google completely disabled my account
for a whole week. Again not sure why. Actually I
was racking my brains trying to work out if I'd
broken any of the laws of blogging on Google but
the few blogs I've written on here either just link
to my artwork (which is obviously all mine), my
websites or other legitimate websites. Paranoia
was starting to set in and then...
...as if by magic...
...its all returned to normal!!
No explanation just 'normal service has resumed'.
Not complaining though...its good to be back. I
don't write much on here but when it disappeared...
...I missed it!!

In the meantime I have a new toon.
Another zombie pic this time of Will Smith.
It's kind of a play on the 'I am Legend' film.
My interpretation...'I am Zombie!'.